Borders of Distant Worlds - Part Two Out Dec 20th, 2024
Very excited to announce that BODW - Part Two will be out Dec 20th, 2024 out on Bandcamp (on streaming services soon enough!). Can’t wait for you all to hear it.
New EP Coming soon..
Another EP in the “BODW” universe is coming soon. I have been working on it pretty much since I finished Part One, and I am quite anxious to share this one with you. Stay tuned!
New Ep our Dec 1st 2023 - Borders of Distant Worlds: Part One
Very excited to announce that my new EP will finally be released exclusively on Bandcamp this Friday, December 1st.
Please go check it out and support! Amphibious Assault Bandcamp
5 new songs + 1 cover - much more chill vibe on this first part. I will be releasing four more parts under the BODW name, each with a different vibe. Excited for you to come along with me on this interesting meander as we fly around to distant worlds and hear the sounds of their lands :)
New Song coming Apr 7
My new song, “Brainwaves” will be released this Friday, April 7th ONLY on Bandcamp. It will also be on streaming platforms but that will only come later on. I will post when it becomes available there. Click on the Merch link to go give it a listen this Friday :)
New Album coming 2023
It’s been two years since Simulacrima came out. I am immensely proud of that work, but I am looking forward to bringing something new into the fold.
Enter Borders of Distant Worlds, AA’s fourth album, coming in hot this year.
It will feature almost 20 songs, a synth-layer cake of post-punk, ambient, ebm-y goodness, and some remixes of songs you already know :)
Stay tuned for the official release date!
Birthday Bandcamp Sale
I would like to clear the way for new merch next year with the new Amphibious Assault release, so please use the code BIRTHDAY to get 70% OFF EVERYTHING on my Bandcamps for the next 24 HOURS:
If this is not the best sale ever, I don’t know what is.
Also, would you like my first release, DISTRICT SIX, for free? Email me. I’ll send you a code! Another birthday gift!
Deep Discounts on the Bandcamp!
I have slashed all items on the Bandcamp! Up to 70% off! Get it before it’s gone :)
“Death Ship” Release, Simulacrima Vinyl Preorder!
Hello folks,
Here she is! The Patreon special offer song, “Death Ship”, is live on my Bandcamp and on streaming services. Go check it out here.
Also, be sure to go PRE-ORDER the Limited Edition Simulacrima vinyl on my Bandcamp as well, and choose from the original cover AND a BRAND NEW cover! Also a bundle option as well with a few extra goodies and it’s autographed! Don’t sit on this folks, there are extremely limited quantities available! Go preorder now.
Lastly, a movie I am in, “The Perfect Pairing”, is premiering tomorrow, Jan 15th on the Hallmark Channel at 8/7 c. Go take a screenshot of your girl and post it on socials! :)
Have a great weekend, and see you tonight on Twitch, 6:30p EST for some Mass Effect 3!
New Merch Available in Merch Store
We have new merch available in the Bandcamp - the Anime Android Girl shirt is here! I am super happy about this design and it is my favourite yet. Definitely go check it out!
New Review - ReGen Magazine!
A great review of the Simulacrima over at ReGen Magazine! Please check it out :)
Simulacrima CD Preorder
Excited to announce you can head on over to the Amphibious Assault MERCH tab and preorder SIMULACRIMA on CD for all you physical media hounds! I am in love with the graphic design, courtesy of Joanne Howard, who I worked with on Human, Conditional. She’s wonderful, and knows exactly where to go with my crazy ideas.
Please check it out. And also - vinyl is in the cards for later in the summer! Super excited about that, as it will the first time for me navigating vinyl world. Stay tuned.
stay safe and healthy!
xx FB
Podcast Appearance
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Lou at GO PRODUCE! Podcast, where we talked about my time in Kittie, Amphibious Assault, and the one time that the Eurythmics broke me.
Find it here.
Simulacrima Coverage - Stephanie Caffrey
Stephanie posted this when the album came out and I wanted to link it here. Thank you so much to Steffy for being a continued supporter from the very, very beginning. A multi-talented lass - please check her out.
One Month-ish post release
Jeez Louise - How is it March already? Soon, 2021 is going to be over and I am going to be very upset.
What’s annoying about being a one-woman army is that it is hard to find the balance between the business side of things, and keeping creative. I have never been able to find the proper balance, and I don’t think I ever will, but that’s okay. Here we go anyways. I am trying to my best to get Simulacrima into the ears of everyone I know and don’t know, and I feel like somehow I am failing at it, when I look at the numbers. This is what I am talking about regarding the “business side”. Don’t think this will discourage me: I will continue to annoy everyone to listen to it -
I am already starting to think about album number 4. I think gone are the days when I have 10 years in between releases - it’s a crazy thought. It does take so much mental energy to put together an album I am 100% behind (even if after its done I still want to change things) but I am so excited to start even entertaining the idea! That means possibly touring two albums. I feel—and hope—that 2022/2023 will bring huge leaps for me music-wise. Touring will be a huge part of that, if I can make it happen.
Will you be coming to the show? Email me and tell me where I should go.
Talk soon,
xx FB
Cam Brio Review - Simulacrima
I am THRILLED at how people are responding to the new record. I worked pretty hard on it, and it is very satisfying to see that work paying off!
Please take a look at Cam Brio’s review on their blog.