One Month-ish post release
Jeez Louise - How is it March already? Soon, 2021 is going to be over and I am going to be very upset.
What’s annoying about being a one-woman army is that it is hard to find the balance between the business side of things, and keeping creative. I have never been able to find the proper balance, and I don’t think I ever will, but that’s okay. Here we go anyways. I am trying to my best to get Simulacrima into the ears of everyone I know and don’t know, and I feel like somehow I am failing at it, when I look at the numbers. This is what I am talking about regarding the “business side”. Don’t think this will discourage me: I will continue to annoy everyone to listen to it -
I am already starting to think about album number 4. I think gone are the days when I have 10 years in between releases - it’s a crazy thought. It does take so much mental energy to put together an album I am 100% behind (even if after its done I still want to change things) but I am so excited to start even entertaining the idea! That means possibly touring two albums. I feel—and hope—that 2022/2023 will bring huge leaps for me music-wise. Touring will be a huge part of that, if I can make it happen.
Will you be coming to the show? Email me and tell me where I should go.
Talk soon,
xx FB